энэ чин одор болгон хийдэг байрлалууд л бн шдээ ёооо танай сайтнийхан над дээр ирж мы нз залуу бид 2ийн байрлалаас сайтдаа тавих ымууу энэнээс чин хамаагуй дээр хараад л….
What God’s Servant Did for us
Has anyone believed us or seen the mighty power of the Lord in action? Like a young plant or a root that sprouts in dry ground, the servant grew up obeying the Lord. He wasn’t some handsome king. Nothing about the way he looked made him attractive to us. He was hated and rejected; his life was filled with sorrow and terrible suffering. No one wanted to look at him. We despised him and said, “He is a nobody! ”He suffered and endured great pain for us, but we thought his suffering was punishment from God. He was wounded and crushed because of our sins; by taking our punishment, he made us completely well. All of us were like sheep that had wandered off. We had each gone our own way, but the Lord gave him the punishment we deserved. He was painfully abused, but he did not complain. He was silent like a lamb being led to the butcher, as quiet as a sheep having its wool cut off. He was condemned to death without a fair trial. Who could have imagined what would happen to him? His life was taken away because of the sinful things my people had done. He wasn’t dishonest or violent, but he was buried in a tomb of cruel and rich people. The Lord decided his servant would suffer as a sacrifice to take away the sin and guilt of others. Now the servant will live to see his own descendants. He did everything the Lord had planned. By suffering, the servant will learn the true meaning of obeying the Lord although he is innocent , he will take the punishment for the sins of others, so that many of them will no longer be guilty. The Lord will reward him with honor and power for sacrificing his life. Others thought he was a sinner, but he suffered for our sins and asked God to forgive us.
—————Isaiah 53
For reflection too psalms 33, 91, 118 and 121; Lamentations 3.39 and S John 3.16
‘’I correct and punish everyone I love. So make up your minds to turn away from your sins. Listen! I am standing and knocking at your door. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and we will eat together.’’……………………….Revelation 3.19,20
La mayor amenaza de nuestros tiempos
A cualquiera que toque en Israel se encuentra tocando en las niñas de los ojos de Dios, El Señor. El profeta Isaías muéstranos:
“Los pueblos harán estrépito como el ruido de muchas aguas; pero Dios los reprenderá, y huirán lejos; serán ahuyentados como el tamo de los montes delante del viento, como el polvo delante del torbellino de la tarde, he aquí el terror; pero antes de la mañana el enemigo ya no existe. Esta es la parte de los que aplastan, la suerte de los que nos saquean.” (Isaías 17.13,14 )Por lo más poderosos y amenazadores que sean los pueblos, por más fuertes q sea el estruendo de las olas, ellos son amenazados, perseguidos y atemorizados por el Señor de Los Ejércitos celestiales. Reflexione para el aspecto profético del verso arriba: 1-Al anochecer: Esto significa el anochecer del tiempo de la gracia, y tiene a ver con nuestro tiempo, ahora. Exactamente ahora que viene al terror, Jesucristo dijo así sobre el tiempo del fin: ‘’__Se levantará nación contra nación y reino contra reino; habrá grandes terremotos y, en diferentes lugares, hambres y pestilencias; y habrá terror y grandes señales del cielo.’’ (Lc 21.10,11 )…Estamos viviendo esto o no ??2-Antes que el día amanezca: Lo tiempo entre el anochecer y la mañana de la vuelta de Jesucristo será el tiempo llamado de La Gran Tribulación, en que el mundo estará bajo al terror del Señor con sus juicios. Mire: “Porque haré estremecer los cielos y la tierra se moverá de su lugar por la indignación de Jehová de los ejércitos, en el día del ardor de su ira.”(Isaías 13.13)—www.llamada.com.br——–Revista ‘Noticias de Israel” marzo/2009
—–Atentes para esto. Recuerdas Noé y sus predicaciones??!!
Abrazos respetosos a todos.
ingej galzuu hiih uyiin gaigui emegtei endees uneheer oldohuu hehe. :))
yo yamar teneg yum be
го го
энэ чин одор болгон хийдэг байрлалууд л бн шдээ ёооо танай сайтнийхан над дээр ирж мы нз залуу бид 2ийн байрлалаас сайтдаа тавих ымууу энэнээс чин хамаагуй дээр хараад л….
одоо сэкс хиймээр бна сэрэл ходолчлоо.хурдан том болоод эрчүүдийг байж суухааргуй ханганаа.сэкс хийх юмсан дажгуй тсарайлаг бандитай.ааа ооо
мммм, дажгүй шүү…
сайн байцгаана уу залуусаа. би 26-тай. эмэгтэй. сексдэх дуртай. гэхдээ би хэд хэдэн эртэй /эмэгтэй байсан ч болно ш дэ/ групп секс хиймээр байна. миний хїслийг биелїїлж чадах хїмїїс надтай холбогдоорой. харамсахгїй шїї. миний хаяг:urleenamdag@yahoo.com
сайн байцгаана уу залуусаа. би 26-тай. эмэгтэй. сексдэх дуртай. гэхдээ би хэд хэдэн эртэй /эмэгтэй байсан ч болно ш дэ/ групп секс хиймээр байна. миний хїслийг биелїїлж чадах хїмїїс надтай холбогдоорой. харамсахгїй шїї. миний хаяг:
ихэнх байрлалыг нь мэддэг наасан. харин пингүин байрлалыг нь ойсохгүй лол
мөөнөө хөөрхөн хэлжээ. уран нугараач болох хэрэгтэй юм бна
нэг тулгуур болдог 3-4 байрлал байдгын тэрнээс л салбарлаад л олон болгосон биш олон талаас нь бараг авсан зураг байна дө
зарим нь боломжгүй юм боожгой нь хугарчихвал яана ходход ход
neeh uvurmuts bairlaluud bish l baina shdee bvgdiig ni medeh ym baina
hi bi bugdeerni hiij uzsen saihan shuu hiih ohin b.nauu baagii_7880
shurmus tatchıhval yah yostoı yum be ayulguın ajıllagaa-ny durem bıchıhguı bol manaıhan hugluj bgaa daa ha ha hı hı…
What God’s Servant Did for us
Has anyone believed us or seen the mighty power of the Lord in action? Like a young plant or a root that sprouts in dry ground, the servant grew up obeying the Lord. He wasn’t some handsome king. Nothing about the way he looked made him attractive to us. He was hated and rejected; his life was filled with sorrow and terrible suffering. No one wanted to look at him. We despised him and said, “He is a nobody! ”He suffered and endured great pain for us, but we thought his suffering was punishment from God. He was wounded and crushed because of our sins; by taking our punishment, he made us completely well. All of us were like sheep that had wandered off. We had each gone our own way, but the Lord gave him the punishment we deserved. He was painfully abused, but he did not complain. He was silent like a lamb being led to the butcher, as quiet as a sheep having its wool cut off. He was condemned to death without a fair trial. Who could have imagined what would happen to him? His life was taken away because of the sinful things my people had done. He wasn’t dishonest or violent, but he was buried in a tomb of cruel and rich people. The Lord decided his servant would suffer as a sacrifice to take away the sin and guilt of others. Now the servant will live to see his own descendants. He did everything the Lord had planned. By suffering, the servant will learn the true meaning of obeying the Lord although he is innocent , he will take the punishment for the sins of others, so that many of them will no longer be guilty. The Lord will reward him with honor and power for sacrificing his life. Others thought he was a sinner, but he suffered for our sins and asked God to forgive us.
—————Isaiah 53
For reflection too psalms 33, 91, 118 and 121; Lamentations 3.39 and S John 3.16
‘’I correct and punish everyone I love. So make up your minds to turn away from your sins. Listen! I am standing and knocking at your door. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and we will eat together.’’……………………….Revelation 3.19,20
La mayor amenaza de nuestros tiempos
A cualquiera que toque en Israel se encuentra tocando en las niñas de los ojos de Dios, El Señor. El profeta Isaías muéstranos:
“Los pueblos harán estrépito como el ruido de muchas aguas; pero Dios los reprenderá, y huirán lejos; serán ahuyentados como el tamo de los montes delante del viento, como el polvo delante del torbellino de la tarde, he aquí el terror; pero antes de la mañana el enemigo ya no existe. Esta es la parte de los que aplastan, la suerte de los que nos saquean.” (Isaías 17.13,14 )Por lo más poderosos y amenazadores que sean los pueblos, por más fuertes q sea el estruendo de las olas, ellos son amenazados, perseguidos y atemorizados por el Señor de Los Ejércitos celestiales. Reflexione para el aspecto profético del verso arriba: 1-Al anochecer: Esto significa el anochecer del tiempo de la gracia, y tiene a ver con nuestro tiempo, ahora. Exactamente ahora que viene al terror, Jesucristo dijo así sobre el tiempo del fin: ‘’__Se levantará nación contra nación y reino contra reino; habrá grandes terremotos y, en diferentes lugares, hambres y pestilencias; y habrá terror y grandes señales del cielo.’’ (Lc 21.10,11 )…Estamos viviendo esto o no ??2-Antes que el día amanezca: Lo tiempo entre el anochecer y la mañana de la vuelta de Jesucristo será el tiempo llamado de La Gran Tribulación, en que el mundo estará bajo al terror del Señor con sus juicios. Mire: “Porque haré estremecer los cielos y la tierra se moverá de su lugar por la indignación de Jehová de los ejércitos, en el día del ardor de su ira.”(Isaías 13.13)—www.llamada.com.br——–Revista ‘Noticias de Israel” marzo/2009
—–Atentes para esto. Recuerdas Noé y sus predicaciones??!!
Abrazos respetosos a todos.
uur yum bhgui yu, turshij uzsen l bairlal uud bn
uran nugaraach boltsgooyo xexe
hooh iim ih bdiimuu hetsuum bnadaa hehe