Орчины үеийн загварын бизнес гэдэг аймшигтай өрсөлдөөнтэй салбар. Хэт баячуудын салбар, нэн баячуудын салбар, баячуудын салбар, чинээлэг дундчуудын салбар гээд эцэс төгсгөлгүй олон зорилтот бүлэг бий.

Тэр болгоныг өөрсдийн болгож өөрийн бүтээгдэхүүнээс борлуулах гэсэн загвар зохион бүтээгчид юу ч хийхээс буцдаггүй. Жишээлэхэд, Hood by Air нэртэй брэндийг үүсгэгч Шейн Оливер нь олны анхаарлыг өөр дээрээ болон өөрийн бүтээгдэхүүнд татахын тулд Нью-Йоркт болсон загварын долоо хоногийн үеэр иймэрхүү загвар үзүүлж олныг гайхшруулан цочроож чаджээ.
The Hood by Air Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
The Hood by Air Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
Rick Ross attends the Hood by Air Spring 2017 runway show during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
The Hood by Air Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
The Hood by Air Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
Jaden Smith, left, and Sarah Snyder attend the Hood by Air Spring 2017 runway show during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
The Hood by Air Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
The Hood by Air Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
The Hood by Air Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
Naomi Campbell, center, attends the Hood by Air Spring 2017 runway show during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
The Hood by Air Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
The Hood by Air Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
The Hood by Air Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
Whoopi Goldberg and EJ Johnson, right, attend the Hood by Air Spring 2017 runway show during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
The Hood by Air Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
The Hood by Air Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
The Hood by Air Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
The Hood by Air Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
The Hood by Air Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
The Hood by Air Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
The Hood by Air Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
The Hood by Air Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
The Hood by Air Spring 2017 collection is modeled during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)
Мэднээ, тэрийг харинч хийдэг. Баяраллаа
Davaasureen huvtsas ntr eer er huniig tatdaggui yumaa. Horon sanaataig chin medsen bol togos shig goyood ch nemergui bdiim. Harin sexdeh uedee tomsogiig ni saihan amandaa zoolon hulheed booviig ni hooloiniihoo ugt tultal hohood, hoshnogonii amsaraas ni tomsog hurtel ni sain dolooj ogood daraa ni saihan hoollood ogch bval yamar ch er saatna shuu. Er ni l horgoddog yum ergeed husdeg yum irdeg yum shuu. Setgeliin saihnaar itgel toruulj alnii amtaar jargaliig medruulj hoolnii amtaar hodoodiig ni bayarluulj eriig tatdag yum daa.
Гутал тэнэг амьдралгүй болхоос хувцас гоё байна. Би ч сүүлийн үед их сонирхож шанд нь янзын өөрчлөгдөж баыгаа шүү. Түүний сонирхолыг янз бүрээр татна 🙂