Шотландын Глазго хотноо амьдардаг 18 настай Келси Скиллен нь тамхи ба дээрэнгүй залуус хоёр ямар их хор хөнөөлтэй байдгийг биеэр амсчээ.
Тэрээр түргэн ууртайн дээр өөрт нь гар хүрэх дуртай дээрэнгүй авиртай 19 настай Жеймс Маккорт гэгч тамхичин залуутай байр хөлсөн амьдардаг байж.

Хэдхэн өдрийн өмнө найз залуу нь клубт шоудаж байгаад тамхитай пиджакаа мартаж ирснээр хамаг хэрэг дэгджээ. Гэртээ ирсний дараа тамхи татах гэтэл тамхиа мартаад ирсэн нь ойлгомжтой болоход залуу маш ихээр уурлан найз охиныоо зодож эхэлсэн байна.
Түүнийг тамхийг нь албаар мартуулсан, пиджакийг нь санаатайгаар орхисон гэж уурласан залуу нь Кеслийг дөрвөн цагийн турш нүүр нүдгүй балбаж, нулимж тамласан байна.
Харгис залууг 00 орох зуур Келси таб ашиглан ээж рүүгээ залгаж тусламж дуудсанаар амьд мэнд үлдэж чаджэээ. Хэрцгий залууг цагдаа нар барьсан бөгөөд шүүхээс түүнд 21 сар хорих ял оноосон байна.
A DOMESTIC abuse victim has revealed sickening pictures of the horrific injuries she suffered at the hands of her former partner.
Brave Kelsie Skillen was beaten to a pulp by her vicious boyfriend James McCourt, 19, at the home they shared together.
The graphic pictures show her injuries after being subjected to a beating lasting four hours in June this year.
Kelsie, 19, a make up artist from Bishopbriggs, near Glasgow, was rushed to hospital following the attack which left her with cuts to her face and covered in bruises.
McCourt has been remanded in custody to await sentencing after he admitted the brutal assault during an appearance at Glasgow Sheriff Court.
Kelsie said she wanted to warn other people about McCourt so that they don’t suffer the same fate as her.
A DOMESTIC abuse victim has revealed sickening pictures of the horrific injuries she suffered at the hands of her former partner.
Brave Kelsie Skillen was beaten to a pulp by her vicious boyfriend James McCourt, 19, at the home they shared together.
The graphic pictures show her injuries after being subjected to a beating lasting four hours in June this year.
Kelsie, 19, a make up artist from Bishopbriggs, near Glasgow, was rushed to hospital following the attack which left her with cuts to her face and covered in bruises.
McCourt has been remanded in custody to await sentencing after he admitted the brutal assault during an appearance at Glasgow Sheriff Court.
Kelsie said she wanted to warn other people about McCourt so that they don’t suffer the same fate as her.
Pic of James McCourt.
A DOMESTIC abuse victim has revealed sickening pictures of the horrific injuries she suffered at the hands of her former partner.
Brave Kelsie Skillen was beaten to a pulp by her vicious boyfriend James McCourt, 19, at the home they shared together.
The graphic pictures show her injuries after being subjected to a beating lasting four hours in June this year.
Kelsie, 19, a make up artist from Bishopbriggs, near Glasgow, was rushed to hospital following the attack which left her with cuts to her face and covered in bruises.
McCourt has been remanded in custody to await sentencing after he admitted the brutal assault during an appearance at Glasgow Sheriff Court.
Kelsie said she wanted to warn other people about McCourt so that they don’t suffer the same fate as her.
A DOMESTIC abuse victim has revealed sickening pictures of the horrific injuries she suffered at the hands of her former partner.
Brave Kelsie Skillen was beaten to a pulp by her vicious boyfriend James McCourt, 19, at the home they shared together.
The graphic pictures show her injuries after being subjected to a beating lasting four hours in June this year.
Kelsie, 19, a make up artist from Bishopbriggs, near Glasgow, was rushed to hospital following the attack which left her with cuts to her face and covered in bruises.
McCourt has been remanded in custody to await sentencing after he admitted the brutal assault during an appearance at Glasgow Sheriff Court.
Kelsie said she wanted to warn other people about McCourt so that they don’t suffer the same fate as her.
A DOMESTIC abuse victim has revealed sickening pictures of the horrific injuries she suffered at the hands of her former partner.
Brave Kelsie Skillen was beaten to a pulp by her vicious boyfriend James McCourt, 19, at the home they shared together.
The graphic pictures show her injuries after being subjected to a beating lasting four hours in June this year.
Kelsie, 19, a make up artist from Bishopbriggs, near Glasgow, was rushed to hospital following the attack which left her with cuts to her face and covered in bruises.
McCourt has been remanded in custody to await sentencing after he admitted the brutal assault during an appearance at Glasgow Sheriff Court.
Kelsie said she wanted to warn other people about McCourt so that they don’t suffer the same fate as her.