5th September 1956: American film actress Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) leaving the Palace Theatre, London. (Photo by Express/Express/Getty Images)
20 зууны сайхан бүсгүй, сайн жүжигчин Мэрилин Монро хэрэв амьд сэрүүн байсан бол 90 настай байх байжээ…

American film star Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jean Mortenson or Norma Jean Baker, 1926 – 1962). Original Publication: People Disc – HW0704 (Photo by Keystone Features/Getty Images)
11th October 1956: Film star Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) with her husband playwright, Arthur Miller. (Photo by Evening Standard/Getty Images)
American film star Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) being photographed by Baron in Palm Springs. (Photo by Baron/Getty Images)
1954: Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) relaxes in Palm Springs. (Photo by Baron/Getty Images)
October 1951: American film actress Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962). (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
American actress Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jean Mortenson or Norma Jean Baker, 1926 – 1962) arrives at London airport with her husband, playwright Arthur Miller. Original Publication: People Disc – HW0690 (Photo by Terry Fincher & Douglas Miller/Keystone/Getty Images)
Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) frolicking on the beach near her Hollywood home during a break from filming. (Photo by L J Willinger/Getty Images)
1954: American actress and sex symbol Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jean Mortenson or Norma Jean Baker, 1926 – 1962). (Photo by Baron/Getty Images)
1954: Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jean Mortenson or Norma Jean Baker, 1926 – 1962) with Hugh French. (Photo by Baron/Getty Images)
17th July 1956: American film star Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) sits next to British thespian Laurence Olivier (1907 – 1989) at a press conference at the Savoy Hotel, London. (Photo by Harry Kerr/BIPs/Getty Images)
American actress Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) and English actor and director Laurence Olivier (1907 – 1989) during a press conference at the Savoy Hotel, London, July 1956. Monroe is in England to co star with Olivier in the ‘The Prince and the Showgirl’. (Photo by Harry Kerr/BIPs/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
12th October 1956: The American film actress Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962) attending a first night at the Comedy Theatre in London. (Photo by Reg Davis/Express/Getty Images)
Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jean Mortenson or Norma Jean Baker, 1926 – 1962) takes her seat in the audience for a performance of the play ‘A View From The Bridge’, written by her husband Arthur Miller (left). The play is being performed at the Comedy Theatre in London. Original Publication: People Disc – HW0695 (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
American actress Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) with actor Robert Mitchum (1917 – 1997) at a Hollywood party. Original Publication: People Disc – HW0715 (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
circa 1954: American film actress Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jean Mortenson or Norma Jean Baker, 1926 – 1962). (Photo by Baron/Getty Images)
American actress Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962), circa 1950. (Photo by L. J. Willinger/Keystone Features/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
1954: American film star Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962). (Photo by Baron/Getty Images)
circa 1948: An early publicity shot of Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jean Mortenson or Norma Jean Baker, 1926 – 1962). (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
October 1956: Film star Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962), at a Royal film performance at the Empire, Leicester Square, London (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
BEVERLY HILLS, CA – JULY 26: (FILE PHOTO) A picture from a media preview of “Marilyn, A California Classic,” featuring rare photos of late actress Marilyn Monroe is seen at the Lladro Center on June 10, 2001 in Beverly Hills, California. This year marks the 40th anniversary of Monroe’s death. The actress, famous for such films as “The Seven Year Itch” and “Some Like It Hot,” was found dead on August 5, 1962 in her Brentwood, California home of a drug overdose. (Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images)
American actor Marilyn Monroe (C) presents Photoplay Magazine’s ‘Dream House’ contest winner Virginia McAllister and her son with the key to a new house, Warrenburg, New York, June 1949. Monroe was in New York to promote the film ‘Love Happy,’ directed by David Miller and Leo McCarey. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
1954: American actress Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962). (Photo by Baron/Getty Images)
American film star Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) outside her home in Englefield Green with her third husband American playwright Arthur Miller. Original Publication: People Disc – HN0485 (Photo by Evening Standard/Getty Images)
16th July 1956: Film star Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) with her husband playwright, Arthur Miller. (Photo by Bob Haswell/Express/Getty Images)
American film star Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) shares a joke with Jack Benny, comedian of radio, television and occasional films. Original Publication: People Disc – HW0707 (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
American actress Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) stretches her leg under the watchful eye of Yves Montand on the set of the 20th Century Fox film ‘Let’s Make Love’. The film is alternatively titled ‘The Billionaire’ or ‘The Millionaire’. Original Publication: People Disc – HW0696 (Photo by L J Willinger/Getty Images)
19th November 1958: American actress Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) attending a debate at the Royal Court Theatre, London, where her husband Arthur Miller is speaking. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
American film star Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) outside her home at Englefield Green. (Photo by Evening Standard/Getty Images)
21st November 1956: Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962) leaving London. (Photo by Alan Meek/Express/Getty Images)
American film star Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) at a press conference at the Savoy Hotel, London, 17th July 1956. On the left is her co-star in the film ‘The Prince and the Showgirl’, Laurence Olivier (1907 – 1989). (Photo by Harry Kerr/BIPS/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
American film actress Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) at her home in Palm Springs, 1954. (Photo by Baron/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
American actress Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) out for a cycle ride, UK, 13th August 1956. (Photo by Harold Clements/Daily Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
1960: American film actress Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) during the making of the film ‘Lets Make Love’, directed by George Cukor. (Photo by L. J. Willinger/Keystone Features/Getty Images)
1954: A wistful Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jean Mortenson or Norma Jean Baker, 1926 – 1962). (Photo by Baron/Getty Images)
Hollywood film star Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jean Mortenson or Norma Jean Baker, 1926 – 1962). (Photo by Baron/Getty Images)
13th March 1962: Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jean Mortenson or Norma Jean Baker, 1926 – 1962) receives her Golden Globe award from Rock Hudson (1925 – 1985) at the Hollywood Foreign Press Association’s 19th Annual Dinner. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
American actress Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) out for a cycle ride with her third husband, American dramatist Arthur Miller (1915 – 1905), 13th August 1956. (Photo by Harold Clements/Daily Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
American film star Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) with husband, the playwright Arthur Miller. (Photo by Evening Standard/Getty Images)
1954: Marilyn Monroe, the Hollywood film actress (1926 – 1962). (Photo by Baron/Getty Images)
1954: Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962), the Hollywood film actress. (Photo by Baron/Getty Images)
English actor Sir Laurence Olivier (1907 ? 1989, left) at the Savoy Hotel, London, with American actress Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) and her third husband American dramatist Arthur Miller (1915 ? 1905, right), 16th July 1956. They have been giving a press conference for the film ‘The Prince And The Showgirl’. (Photo by Tony Davis/Daily Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
circa 1958: American film star Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jean Mortenson or Norma Jean Baker, 1926 – 1962). (Photo by Keystone Features/Getty Images)
17th July 1956: American film star Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) attends a busy press conference at the Savoy Hotel, London. (Photo by Harry Kerr/BIPs/Getty Images)
1954: Marilyn Monroe, originally Norma Jean Baker, (1926 – 1962), the Hollywood film actress. (Photo by Baron/Getty Images)
11th October 1956: American film actress Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) with her third husband Arthur Miller. (Photo by Evening Standard/Getty Images)