Pic shows; Martina Big in front of the Hollywood sign;nnA blonde ex-air hostess with massive 70S boobs who decided to become black by undergoing radical tanning injections treatment has for the first time visited Los Angeles as a black woman.nnMartina Big, 28, was seen standing in front of the Hollywood hills showing off her own curvature which is a massive 70S cup size (UK 32S) which she got after spending more than 50,000 GBP on plastic surgery.nnYet those body enhancements were not enough for the German glamour model as she bizarrely decided to become black, vowing to get " darker and darker and see what the limits are."nnDressed in just a bikini top and shorts, the camera zooms out from a shot of what has been called "the biggest boobs of Europe" in German media.nnMartina said standing in front of the iconic Hollywood sign with an unusual accent that "last time I visited this with blonde hair and white skin."nnMartina added: "And now I'm a black woman with African hair."nnHer unusual video has already been watched more than 137,000 times with netizens decidedly divided over Martina Big's unusual looks.nnOne netizen wrote: "I'm not pleased or supporting this mess. I'm a black woman as you can see and I don't think this is cool. It's sad. It's pitiful. I think she may have mental issues."nnAnother netizen wrote: "Martina you are beautiful in our colour. I don't mind what people do with their lives or body as long as they are happy. At least you show these Africans who bleach to turn white that black is beautiful."nnMartina started her surgeries in 2012 on the encouragement of her boyfriend, taking a whopping 21 surgeries to turn them to size 70S.nnHer reported motto is "big is not big enough," according to German media.nnBizarrely her boyfriend, a beer-bellied pilot, has also started to use tanning injections in order to turn black.nnNow Martina Big also wants to get a bum the same size as her breasts.nnYet plastic surgeon Dr Karl Schuhmann from Dusseldorf was not overly eager to help her with that.nnSchuhmann said: "Martina Big would like to enlarge her butt with 1.5 kilos of implants each.nn"From a medical point of view, I clearly cannot advocate the procedure. Alternatively, I recommended her a lipofilling [fat transplantation]. The risks are much lower."nnIt has not been reported yet what Martina Big has decided to do.
Мартина Биг гэдэг энэ хүүхэн Европ. Европын хамгийн том хөхтэй эмэгтэй гэдгээрээ нэрд гарсан гэж болно. Тэрээр нэгэн үе онгоцны үйлчлэгч хийдэг байсан аж. Гэвч Европын хамгийн том хөхтэй гэсэн цол гуншинтай болвол онгоцны үйлчлэгч хийснээс хамаагүй их цалин авахын дээр үргэлж сонин хэвлэлийн баатар болж ямагт олны анхаарлыг татах болж гэж бодсон гэнэ.
Тэгээд цагаан арьстэй, шаргал үстэй байсан тэрээр зүгээр нэг том хөхтэй болох нь хангалтгүй гэж үзээд давхар арьсныхаа өнгийг өөрчлөн хар арьстан болохоор шийджээ.
Дараа нь арьсны өнгийг өөрчлөн меланин тариулж, гоо сайхны хагалгаа удаа дараалан хийлгэж хөхөө томруулахад нийт 60 мянга гаруй евро зарцуулсан гэнэ.
Ийм алхам хийхэд хүргэсэн гол зүйл нь Малибугийн аврагч нэртэй цуврал кино, бүр тодруулбал энэ цувралын гол баатруудын нэгд тоглосон Памела Андерсан гэнэ.
Гэхдээ Памела Андерсон бол цар ганц давтагдашгүй тул харь арьсатай, буржгар үстэй том хөхтэй байх ёстой гэж үзсэн юм байна. Тэгээд үр дүн нь энэ.