Заавал гэрлэж байж аз жаргалтай болох уу?

I wanna write this letter in English because not many Mongolians understand this kind of state of mind. I am a female in my mid 20’s living in other country. These days i felt like I’m not gonna marry or having a child why do you wanna know why? In this planet earth there are already has a lot of people having a hard time working and
studying try to being one of those guys who looks great on their picture make them miserable lonely…

I don’t want my child to grow and become one of those guys or girls I don’t want him or her to live miserable vulnerable life I don’t want him or her to get depressed and take his or her life. When I was in my country I thought I will marry with someone in one day and have child live happily but now I changed my mind to not to marry or have a child which I don’t have to.

I knew in Mongolia they can’t take that because they are not in that level yet they don’t really think a lot that’s why. I know if you see brighter side of marriage and having a child maybe you will never get lonely and maybe your child would be a great person who invent something great like Nicolas tesla or etc. On the other hand your child have a hard times like you and your mother. As my parents they give everything to us their young age, their times, money they spent all their live to us but how about not give a birth to a child die alone? You can spend your life as your life not your child.

A some time ago I saw the news that one guy to sue his parents for giving him a birth that time I didn’t think that much about the situation but now I can understand why he sued his parents. Mongolia has a very small population so people don’t understand how hard to live and compete with others to survive. Its hard to survive and you will get depressed sometimes i even think about giving up on life go back to Mongolia live like a Mongolian eat and sleep and has a 4 days off in a week but here country i living i do 2 other job to feed myself i dont have an off day i have to study too even if i get a boyfriend i dont have time to spent with him so we broke up he is also very busy we hang out only once in a week but that was also soo hard for us to meet.

To be continued…


  1. Gg says:

    Mongolooroo bichheer shiidlee iluu olon hun oilgog gj bodood… egch n nuhurtei 2 ohintoi… Ghdee dahij huuhed gargahgui gj boddog ohiduuddaa ch gsn ert huntei suuj huuhed garga gj hezee ch zovlohgui.. tertei tergui bohir zavaan shudraga bus delhii deer dahij hun nemehiig unendee husehgui bn muruuruu yavj bsn sunsiiig ooriih n zovshoorolgui delhii deer avchirj zovooj yahavdee gj boddog bolsn hun er n amia bodohdoo l huuhed gargadag bh hugshirsun hoinoo gantsaardahgui geed.. ternees huuhdee eruusuu boddoggui huniii niigem chin ih muuhai shuudee bid nar hichneen bolovsrol uguud hichneen mungu uldeelee gd ch zovlon tuulna shuudee er n hun zovoh gj l tordog yum gsn tiiim bolhoor neeh urjih geed heregguig 30 garjiij l oilgolooo kk aziudiiin soyol ter dundaa mgl.cuud ene uzeliig oilgoh arai boloogui dandaa oorsdiigooo huurj amidardag humuus shuudee

  2. Agree with you says:

    Mongolooroo bichheer shiidlee iluu olon hun oilgog gj bodood… egch n nuhurtei 2 ohintoi… Ghdee dahij huuhed gargahgui gj boddog ohiduuddaa ch gsn ert huntei suuj huuhed garga gj hezee ch zovlohgui.. tertei tergui bohir zavaan shudraga bus delhii deer dahij hun nemehiig unendee husehgui bn muruuruu yavj bsn sunsiiig ooriih n zovshoorolgui delhii deer avchirj zovooj yahavdee gj boddog bolsn hun er n amia bodohdoo l huuhed gargadag bh hugshirsun hoinoo gantsaardahgui geed.. ternees huuhdee eruusuu boddoggui huniii niigem chin ih muuhai shuudee bid nar hichneen bolovsrol uguud hichneen mungu uldeelee gd ch zovlon tuulna shuudee er n hun zovoh gj l tordog yum gsn tiiim bolhoor neeh urjih geed heregguig 30 garjiij l oilgolooo kk aziudiiin soyol ter dundaa mgl.cuud ene uzeliig oilgoh arai boloogui dandaa oorsdiigooo huurj amidardag humuus shuudee

  3. М says:

    Чи ямар амиа бодсон хүүхэн вэ 3 сая хүнтэй газар хүн нэмэх дургүй гэхээр чи хэцүү л хүн байна доо за өөрөө мэд дээ уг нь хүүхэд гэж нэг хөөрхөн амьтан шулганахаар өөрийн эрхгүй хайр хүрдэг юм шүү дээ

  4. ... says:

    Now i see why women who lived long abroad come to Mongolia but living all alone and again going back to other country. Yes our life is not the same. Your opinion is your opinion. If you feel comfortable in such living environment it is up to you.

  5. Holy Shit says:

    Тийм сүрхий завгүй байдын бол үхсэнээ бичээд байгаан !!!
    Азгүй мөнгөний боол. яг үнэндээ ганцаардаж үхэх гэж байгаам бишүү. Элдэв юм бодож ийм юм бичиж суухыг хархад ажилгүй бол бүр галзуурахын бн. Одоо хэдэн ногоон хураасан бол ирж нэг юм олж сууж амьдарлаа бод. vr huuhedgyi amidral gej yu bhav. Nuhurgvi huuhedtei huuhen bol bvr hog ??

  6. Gegeen says:

    Immaturity sucks. U believe u know everything atm but u know things only within your current horizon. Do not limit yourself to your lil world coz it doesnt seem rich & full of knowledge yet. I haven’t met with my the ONE yet, but I think that I am being prepared for the RIGHT one. It’s good if u can experience the joy of falling in love & make love with the like minded one who can treasure u & Together u guys can gift a life to Another human being, which is a total new dimension that u can’t reach with your stare of mind so don’t judge the things u haven’t tried yet or failed. Offsprings motivate u, inspire u & empower u & yes force to shift your centre of Your selfish self centered childish universe into A whole new existence. U’ll never know until u taste it.

    u r the product of love or love making.
    Saving some1’s life is great but giving life to some1 is far more extraordinary thing. U cant get scared of parenting, u r afraid of uncertainty but u’ll be just fine. Parenting or even the unique approach of single parenting all can be worth it when u hit life’s ups & downs u’ll have the ones who r always beside u & make u feel precious regardless of who u r, how bad u may look or feel about yourself, your own products can be sculpted in a way u wish them.

    It is a beautiful thing to experience the richness of life & love. So don’t rush into early judgement b4 even experiencing it. I may understand to stay single Until finding your Mr or Miss Right but obviously staying Alone for long is not the best option even for the powerful strong ones who r full of self encouragement & self motives. U need those drives that make u keep going & sone find it from parenthood or even from bad relationship to acknowledge the good or bad sides. Unless u know what is bad u’d never know what should be classified into good.

    U dont even know if it is gonna be good for u to have a parter or a kid in your life yet. But when u R down or sick or hit your rock bottom in a journe of your life’s rollercoaster, its always good to have something that reminds u what is your main purpose in life And what can motivate u. Kids surely do their part and can help u avoid suicidal attempt coz they bring new meanings & their innocence & laughter beyond situations can give the power & strength that u haven’t realised. But yeah single life is great until u’ll get your other half who can devote their remaining life to unite with yours, worship the shared treasures & values in life. If they choose childless life then I wont judge coz maturity comes when u accept & feel easy with differences in others or things so what works for them would not work for u, so no 1 needs to push u into what u have no willingness to do.

    Unlike u even though I treasure the solitary woman’s life with freedom I know that no human being has a guaranteed healthy long life with full capacity of working hard or continuous non stop income generating privilege unless inherited, so shared life is always the best option when u not in your best & when u r in need. Not only Real family but if u have that Great friendship That can treat u as a family And can lift u up when u r in worst then that can also work. Be good surround by better ones & build relationships, if good then it’s btfl if not then that teaches u how to do better next, always keep learning. Avoiding is just showing your overprotective instinct, which make u remain inexperienced so release yourself from prevention mode & do mistakes as much as u can while u r young & allowed.

    Longer u live harder it gets to loose or recognise other human beings. Your last mistake is your best teacher. Even my ex managed to trigger my unrealized unrecognized power & ability that I would have never touched otherwise and I feel thankful for him being not my desired one, which I had no desire or urge into marriage or men in young age anyway just like u, but hell yeah that early bad relationship could teach me a lot about myself my inner strength & how to treat others in a right way etc so it wasnt bad after all, it dared me to jump into new me, new upgraded level & it felt so much better once i was out of it to treasure the Happy single life Which I wouldn’t have if i was always single. But times passes & u learn a lot, u’ll figure out being single is not always the most powerful & best option even for the strong opinioned Great will-powered ones. Shared zones r safest so join to pre-built friendzoneS or family circle or build one to get easy & self relief. Helps u be well prepared for any storms in your mostly sunny life. Personally I am not weak & stronger than I could realize but still I believe that anything could happen so I enjoy others presence in my life. My own breeds r the most loyal ones so I try to treat them well & enjoy being the most loved most respected & most important one in some1’s life. Feel good abt it. U’d never know if nothing makes u feel that way. I also believe that every1 is entitled to experience that biggest hit of love wave so wait for the best

  7. Darya says:

    Oh well..Your life, your decision. Probably, if you really meet the right person, your life will get much better and happier than it is now. But Right now, you’re feeling happy and content living alone, so whatever. Owl-ийн доор бгаа Зочин гэж хүний комментыг уншаарай, ер нь чиний яаж амьдрах чинь хэнд ч хамаагүй ш д. Хүмүүс яагаад гэр бүл, гэр бүл гээд бна вээ гээд бод. Аав ээж чинь үхээд өгнө, найзууд чинь өөр өөрийн амьдралаа хөөгөөд явна, тэр үед чи гав ганцаараа л үлдэнэ. Тэгээд ганцаараа амьдарч чадна, зүгээр гэж бгаа бол яахав дээ. Заавал тэгээд нээх ганцаараа амьдарна гээл хатуу шийдвэр гаргаад байх ер нь албагүй шд, чи бодлоо өөрчилж болно, яаж ч болно, ирээдүйд юу ч болж болно. Би яг чам шиг бодолтой бгаад, одоо бол өөрчлөгдсөн. Гадаадад гав ганцаараа ажиллаж амьдарч үзээд л ганцаараа бна гэдэг чинь хүсэх зүйл биш юм бна гэж бодсон. Хүн яаж амьдрахаа өөрөө л шийднэ ш дээ, ер нь бол…

  8. Зочин says:

    Болоогүй байгаа юмнаас айж түгших ч сэтгэцийн эмгэг дeпрeссийн нэг төрөл.

  9. Enkhee says:

    I am male and in my late 30’s. I am the CEO in the mid size company in the U.S. I work with a lot of young people who have as same opinion as you have. I completely understand you. This is your life and not somebody else’s. Do what you think it is right for you. There are plenty other things that you can do to enjoy rather than marrying and having kids.
    Good luck!
    BTW, I am happily married and have kids.

    • Mongol ohin says:

      Wow congratulations

      Neg zuil asuuya. Iimerhu CEO Bolson zaluus emegtei hunees yag yugiin looking for hiisen bdgiin ?

      • Chemist says:

        Eregtei hun bolgonii sonirhol uur gewch iimerhuu zaluuchuud er ni medleg bolovsroltoi, archaatai emegteig songodog gej bodogdoj baina,

  10. psy says:

    uuriin bodol uurtuu zuv, harin eruul uhaanaar bodson bodol yum shu. bichveriig tani unshval hyamarsan, esvel bur setgel gutrald orson bj blh taltai haragdaj bn. busdaas tuslamj avaarai.

    • Mongol ohin says:

      Yamar zan chanariig n iluu hardii. Bie haa yu? Bi namhan. Shit gej

      • lhagva says:

        chi odoo yu yariad bganbe hha ehleed naad text ee oilgochooche yachka ymu haishen

  11. Zochin says:

    Nuhduuuddeee huvi huniiii uzel bodol songoltond hundetgeltei handaj surtsgaaya,
    … zugeeer l uuuriinguuuu uzel bodliiig l ilerhiiilsen baina….

  12. MongolMan... says:

    Надаас бусад нь бараг бүгд англиар бичдэг, уншдаг юм байна шёт. Америк явж авгай авъя байз. Монгол охид хүүхнүүд тоохгүй бололтой…хаха

  13. Зоогий says:

    Нэгэн дэлхийн нэртэй хүнээс асууж гэнэ: аз жаргал гэж юу вэ?
    Хариулт маш энгийн шүү дээ. Чи өөрийн чадлаар ямар нэгэн зүйл л бүтээчих тэр нь юу ч байж болно. Энэ бол гайхамшиг чи тэр гайхамшигаа цорын ганц итгэж найддаг хүнтэйгээ харамгүй хуваалц тэр чинь л аз жаргал шүү дээ. Үүнийг ухаж ойлговол чи амьдралаа өөрийн хүчээр босго тэр чинь гайхамшиг тэр гайхамшигаа ганцаараа биш чамайг гэх чин сэтгэлтэй хүнээ олж аваад түүнтэйгээ насан туршдаа хамт бай бас харамгүй хуваалц тэгж чадвал аз жаргал гэдэг чинь тэр юм аа гэж дээ хө. Чиний хувьд хаана хэнтэйгээ яан уу ийн үү падгүй л дээ. Дэлхийн хаана ч байлаа ч гэсэн ямар ч хүнд бүр болон түр зуурын таарсан таар шуудайнууд олддог л байхгүй юу онцлог нь манайхан юм үзэж нүд тайлаагүй дээ. Өөрийн болон үндэсний үнэт зүйлгүй дээ л хөнгөн хуумгай байгаад л гол нь бна.

  14. owl says:

    you’re only 20 something and think you already know everything… it’s too early for you to conclude anything. and it seems like you are not even in a situation that requiring you to decide right now. so why are you being so very decisive so early. life is much more abundant than you ever knew, and ever will know. studying and working hard in your youth is beneficial and only advancing you for the better. you are only shallow and narrow minded young girl like many others when they were young. life will ever be as dull and hard or rich and joyful as you allow it to be

  15. Зочин says:

    Энэ дэлхий дээр 7 тэрбум сүнс хүний амьдралаар амьдарч бн. Бүгд өөр өөрийн үйлийн үр, хувь тавилан, зорилготой ирдэг. Тэрэн дунд нэг монгол хүүхэн ганцаараа өтөлнө үү гадаад хүнтэй өтөлнө үү хүүхэд гаргана уу бнуу хэнд хамаатай юм бэ? Кккккк. Өөрийнхөө амьдралын зорилгыг зөв тодорхойлж чадсан бол тэрэндээ тааруулаад гэрлэх эсэх, хүүхэд гаргах гаргахгүй ээ өөрөө мэдээд шийдчих. Чиний энэ бичсэнийг харахад чи өөрөө тэр муулаад доош нь хийгээд мгл сэтгэлгээнээсээ салаагүй бгаан бишүү. Би одоо 36тай эмэгтэй. Гэрлээгүй хүүхэдгүй. Гэхдээ ямар ч депрессгүй, комплексгүй. Ганц бие амьдрал үнэндээ маааш олон эерэг талтай бөгөөд цаг хугацаа мөнгө төгрөг гээд бүх юмыг өөртөө зориулдаг тул наснаасаа хамаагүй залуу харагддаг мөн өөрийгөө хөгжүүлж чаддаг сайн талтай. Гэхдээ би эрт гэрлээд хүүхэд төрүүлж өсгөөд явж бгаа бусад хүмүүсийн амьдралыг шүүмжилж доош нь хийдэггүй тэднийг муулдаггүй. Учир нь бүгд өөр өөрийн зорилго карматай төрдөг гэдгийг мэддэг. Бас бүх мгл эрчүүд чиний бичсэн шиг харанхуй бүдүүлэг биш бөгөөд маш өндөр түвшинд хүрсэн олон сайхан мгл эрчүүд бдгийг хэлмээр бн. Зөвхөн өөрийн учирсан хэдэн бүтэлгүй эрчүүдээр бүх мгл эрчүүдийг хамруулан гүтгэдэг хүүхнүүдэд дургүй. За баахан юм нуршчлаа уучлаарай. Одоо чиний асуусанд хариулая. ЗААВАЛ ГЭРЛЭЖ БЖ АЗ ЖАРГАЛТАЙ БОЛОХУУ?
    ҮГҮЙ. Аз жаргал хүний дотор бдаг юм. Түүнийг гаднаас, гэрлэлтээс, мөнгөнөөс, ажил карьераас, өндөр боловсролоос, гадаад нөхрөөс хайх хэрэггүй. Яг дотроосоо хүн аз жаргалыг олж чадвал стресс бухимдал, сэтгэл гутрал, өөрийгөө бусадтай харьцуулах гм бүх сөрөг мэдрэмжээс салдаг жамтай. Чамд гэж зөвлөхөд бясалгал хий. Сөрөг мэдрэмжүүдээсээ, сөрөг энергээсээ сал. Эерэг бай. Тэнцвэртэй бай. Аз жаргалыг өөрөөсөө ол. Чи залуу бн. Чиний өмнө бүхэл бүтэн амьдрал бн. АМЖИЛТ ХҮСЬЕ

    • Gg says:

      Hvvhedtei boloy gej bodjinu? Odo saihan bga ch tsevershilt hayand chin irjee. Bvh zuil ni baigaa ch ur shiljuulj suulgad ch hvvhedtei bolj chadkui 41s deesh nasnii hvvhnvvd ih boljee. Svvldee bolkui oor zaluu hvnii undgun es avch bna gene shvv. Bolovsroltoi shn emegtei zov bodoltoi bolsroltoi hvmvvjiltei hvvhed gargah ni vvreg shvv. Ugui bol mongold ymar humuuseer dvvred bga bileedee?

  16. Mongol ohin says:

    Hey girl, I totally understand your feelings. I know sounds really in mature to others(silly n close minded ppl) I’m 34. So have been living outside of Mongolia more than 10 years. I have been living fuking dating with many different guys. Furthermore, marry with guy who is from developed country. Please don’t maary with someone who is from poor country like Mongolia ( I’m sorry for saying that but its true) Mongolian guys are cheater, lier, man whore, lazy plus always wanted to do something easily, never feel genuinely love from them always interested your background like what your parents do or what’s your savings, apartment and job etc… BECAUSE THEY ORIGINATED FROM THE POOR COUNTRY.

    Poor country’s ppl treat you poorly. !!!!
    Stay away.

    Bi odoo gadaad huntei l suuya da gj bidoh bolson. Minii uulzaj bsn zaluus dajguinuud n gehed mongold bga huuhnuudig uruvdsun

    Bas nemeed helchihed suula gehed eoi aimaar warriors bh estoi buh umaa gadaa garch er gert em zailaa bi 34 tei tiim baij chadahgui tegenguut mongol zaluus yag busad huuuhnuud ugdug umiig nadaas husne bi tiim hunii iluu ajliig hiine gdg utgagui shde huch hurehguu bn. Yes I’m weak bcz I’m a woman.

    • H says:

      Англиар бичсэн нь үнэхээр таалагдлаа шүү, би ч бас чам шиг боддог яг л миний боддогийг гаргаж шүү. Гэхдээ би эрэгтэй л дээ. Бичвэр таалагдажийн аа.

      • Хаха says:

        Чи гэхдээ олон жилийн өмнө болор crustall энтр гэсээ эмэгэй нэрээр л бичээд бдаг бсан даа тэ

  17. Jennie says:

    Hha It seems like the same as mine. But my experience is more different than yours. But I loved it as well. Me same here in my mid 20s too. But in this year I got a freshman in one of those miserables universities hha. And it sucks and I hate it. In Mongolia people can’t get hard working person or genius one. if you are woman it gets worser than ever so too hha. Good luck feminine one??☺. I cheer you it is your life and your thought. Keep going.

  18. том ах says:

    гадаадаар бичсэнээ тэр гадаадынхаа сайтад. эсвэл хувийн хаалттай групп энэ тэр дээ тавиач. монгол улсын сайтал монголоороо л бич. чадахгүй бол чацга царайлаад зайлж үз.

  19. gg says:

    одоохондоо ингэж байгаа ч мэдэхгүй ээ би анх ингэж бодож байсан . Тухайн үед найз нөхөдтэйгээ уулзаал наргиж зугаацах үедээ зугаацаал, хэн ч юу ч дугарахгүй сургуулиа төгсөөд ажил гэр найз нөхөд гээл хэн ч зааж өгөхгүй дураараа шувуу шиг нисэж байсан тэгсэн яасан 2 найз минь эхнэртэй хүүхэд болсон цагыг хамтдаа өнгөрөөдөг үе өнгөрсөөн . Ар гэрийхэн ч бас тэнгэрт явах нь явсан . Үнэхээр ганцаараа байгаа мэт санагдаж байна . Одоо надаа ажил өөрийн бие минь байна. Сүүлдээ залхдаг юм байна лээ . 30 настай эрэгтэй яахав зугаацаж цэнгие гэхээр залуухан охид бол зам дээр 1 гэхдээ бүр 1 хиймэл, хуурамч санагдах болсон ажлыхан м,аань бүгд гэр бүлтэй, 40-50 насны хүмүүс (төрийн алба) хожим хойно эргэн тойрон байгаа хүмүүс өвдөж хавдахад эргэж тойрч байгаа дандаа гэр бүл үр хүүхэд ннь байна

  20. Ben says:

    Girl you forgot some shitty attitude…

  21. Miserable one says:

    I’m a miserable one. I hate myself because I’m weak that I can’t keep my promise. So i ask, are you that strong person that if you decide something now then you can live that way all your life?

    If you are not, then it’s just meaningless to think now that in the future should i marry or not, should i have child or not, etc.
    If you think you are, isn’t that too arrogant. You don’t know what would happen in the future. So stop grieving over something that doesn’t matter right now. If you have time for that, stop and read some good books, not internet comments from some average gyus. (which is obviously can’t be smarter than you)

    • Miserable one, but I love being miserable says:

      And if you wish, live your e-mail address. I would send you good book in pdf.

    • Mongol ohin says:

      I feel miserable too. Deed hunii bichsen yag unen. Uvduhd zuvhun family l baidiin bnle

  22. Enguun says:

    I feel ya girl, I feel ya! First of all, I gotta say I’m happily married to my dream man, yet I’m not planning to have a baby at least not in the near future. What you gotta think is how you’re going to provide your biological needs, in other words sex if you allow me to be direct. How do you provide your physical needs? Occasional one nights with random guys? Or masrurbation? Because if you’re convinced that you are never going to marry and settle down, you have to come up with a conclusion with how to solve this issue. Let me be honest. Sex is a beautiful thing when it is enjoyed with the loved one. If you are alright with going without sex for a long time, or having intercourse with random guys for the rest of your life, then go ahead. I just think you are way more precious that that. Yet I understand your point of view. Have you ever considered of marrying a foreigner? That could be an option if you particularly don’t like Mongolian guys. Most of the guys in Mongolia are pretty dumb, cheaters, players, stinking poor, and lazy. Sometimes it disgusts me to see how pathetic some Mongolian men are. Good luck girl. I’m sure you know what is best for you.

  23. Далчигар ганаа says:

    Ганцаараа хорвоог туулсан ч болно шүү дээ. Чиний л сонголт эмгэрээд ирэхээрээ нэг нохой ч юм уу муур ч юм уу тэжээ чинь нохой мууртайгаа яриад цагийг зунгаатай өнгөрөөж бас болно. Хөгшдийн асрамжийн газарт нүд аних хувь тавилан бна аа тэр тэгээд ямар муу зүйл ч биш дээ. Заа яахав дээ үсэрээл хүмүүс сараа чавганц ханилсан хань төрүүлсэн үргүй залуудаа ямар ацаа хийж явсан юм бол гэж хэлнэ л биз. Яахав гэр бүлтэй байна гэдэг хүн хүн шиг явсаны цорын ганц утга л юм даа. Ер нь энэ хараал идсэн хорвоо дээр мянга сайн хөдөлмөрлөөд сурч боловсороод ч эцсийн эцэст хэнд ч падгүй хэн ч дурсахгүй тэр л гашуун үнэн юм даа.

  24. Klkl says:

    I understand the way you see life, but on the other hand, if you don’t give a birth or get married, you will feel lonely, that is sure, without them, we’re not complete, I also think about life and other things that affect our lives, but I found that it’s waste of time and it give you nothing but stress, so go out and meet your boyfriend, life is too short to consider all things

    • Writer says:

      Loneliness happens everybody even if you have a partner i think i can deal with that now cuz i dealing with that last 3-4years. Family friends They cant fill you make you complete inside of you for me you are the whole and you are complete if you lose yourself you became nothing your money things you earned will become nothing
      Thanks anyway

      • Hi says:

        You are stubborn, grouchy, had an opinion that annoyingly know it all little git, aren’t you? ???

  25. kkk says:

    Assignment of a 5th grader? 😀 U better study some vocabulary rather than bragging about nonsense.

    • Writer says:

      Haha dont worry about my vocabulary or anything just worry about yourself for you its nonsense for me its just my thought expressing it so think more and then leave a comment please

  26. Your grammar sucks so do mine says:

    If u r not on drugs or drunk while writing this you sound very depressed. Of course 2jobs plus studing make you really tired and if you dont have any friends that makes you feel even worse. I know it is very difficult to be alone while surrounded by many people not talking laughing with them. Try to make some friends. Dont go after cool kids. Try to find someone who treats you as you are. If you dont want to marry then don’t. If you dont want friends then dont. Just accept yourself. Dont be ashamed about anything about yourself. Maybe crying will help. Now everything seem to be pointless. But in few years you will be laughing and will think how silly you where. It will pass

    • Writer says:

      Sorry but you dont know me why you write like you know me??you dont even know what depression is and how it affects your feeling etc so dont try to act that you know about things you dont know oh one thing Mongolians talks things they dont know like they know like you I have a lot of friends to hang out im not depressed i dont do a drug or smoke im not drunk either so in the end your comment is sucks i thought if i write in english i get more better responses, discussion but here like your comment you guys are still down there hmmmm

      • You get what u ask says:

        I will comment wherever i want. I daresay you didnt buy comment section? You wrote stupid childish things. Prepare yourself to receive same replies. Tgd ch angli heltei hvn zondoi bga. Haltar hultar angliar bichiheer tom tom CEO-uud hariulna gej bodsimu? Chinii bichseniig unshhad muu sanaatai bertegchin ohiduud bdg daa tiim l hvn sanaand orjin. Ugui bol yahavde sain l biz hutsdiin gd ineeged unguruurei

      • Be positive says:

        Harin huvia bodson hvn ymuda? Mongoliin hvn am tsoon baihad hvvhed gargahgui ch geh shig. Ydaj neg hvvhed gargaad saihan usguj hvmvvjuuleldee. Ooriinhoo jijighen hairtsagnaas garaad bi bi bi gelgui ymiig goy tomoor haray

  27. misjduwhduwhb says:

    uhaan suugaagui l bnda

  28. misjduwhduwhb says:

    ooriin bodol oortoo zov chinii bichsen bgaa chin minii 16taidaa boddog bsantai ijil ym kk. Ooroo l med hunii l amidral ym bolohoor er ch bai em ch bai yduu bayn alin ch bai ooriin ur udmaa uldeeh ur huuhdee toruuleeed moomoo amluulah, emegtei hun bolj torsnii utga uchir huuheddee tsalingaa buuhaar amttai ym avaad bayrlaad yaran alhah , shine huvtsas avch uguhuur huurhun bayrlaad tolidood mayglahiig ni harah geel boon az jargal shuu dee.Baastai daavuug ni ugaah ch az jargal . Yahavdee mani met ni bolovsroogui haranhui buduulgeeree baij bolno. Gegeersen choloot setgelgeetei humuus oor bdag ym blgui dee. hajuudaa nohortei baigaad amidraliin bolomj hureltsdegsen bol hoorhon tsetseg shig urs gargaad buhii l tsag zav, hair halamjaa zoriulaad oyun uhaan zurh setgeleeree ov tegsh sain hun bolgoj osgohson.Muu ur min gantsaardaad bh ymaa. Chinii huvid bol estoi ooroo l med harin naad bodloo busad ueiin mongol ohiddoo uhuulj tarhiig ni ugaaj bolohgui shuu

    • Writer says:

      Hahah tarhi ugaana gj uhaantai humuus tungaahiig tungaagaad bodoh yumaa bodood avchij boldog yum shuu bi heniig ch urialagui tarhi ene ter ugaagaad ch yah ve de chaavaas gj heden hahuulchidaasaa salj chadku tarhia ugaalgaad buhuu songohuu setguulchee songohuu geed songuuli ugch amidarch bgaa heden Mongolchuud minii tarhi ugaaltand urtuud heden zuugaaraa huuhed gargahgui ustval gj hun hunIi bodol uur buur neg shoolongu bichihgeed 16nastaidaa boddog ene ter getsen ch bh shig haha chi tgul buur uharch yawaan bn sorry

  29. o says:

    too childish

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