Хятадын бөглүү нутагт амьдардаг энэ охин 2000 онд, 4 настай байхдаа автын осолд орж хоёр хөлөө тайруулсан юм байна. Ар гэр нь бололцоо муутай, алс бөглүү нутагт амьдардаг болохоор охинд хиймэл хөл авч өгч чадаагүй. Тэгээд ч хүүхэд хурдан өсдөг болохоор хиймэл хөлийг нь ойрхон солих шаардлагатай тулгарах байсан тул эцэг нь эх нь асуудлыг өөрөөр шийджээ.
Охиныг 10 настай байхад тэд хаанаас ч юм хагарсан сагсны бөмбөг олж аваад охины “хөлд” углажээ. Охин үүнд уурласангүй, харин ч ийш тийш явахад хялбар боллоо гэж баярласан юм байх. Түүнээс хойш төрөлх тосгоныхон нь охиныг “сагсчин” гэж хочилдог болсон гэнэ.
Гэхдээ аз болж Хятадын засгийн газар тахир дутуу хүмүүсийг дэмжих хөтөлбөр хэрэгжүүлж эхэлснээр охин хиймэл хөлтэй болж, жинхэнэ утгаар шинээр хөлд орсон байна. Одоо тэрээр 19 настай болсон бөгөөд нөгөө хөтөлбөрийн ачаар хамгийн сүүлийн үеийн шинэ, моодны хиймэл хөлтэй болсон байна.
Гэхдээ тосгоныхон нь түүнийг “сагсчин” гэж хочилсон хэвээр байгаа гэнэ.
Qian Hongyan exercises in Luliang county, southwestern China’s Yunnan province, January 4, 2005. Qian, who lost her legs during a car accident in 2000, had been walking using her hands with the help of a basketball. She first received artificial limbs in 2005 at the China Rehabilitation Centre and has gradually been fitted with bigger limbs due to her body growth, according to the China Rehabilitation Centre Picture taken January 4, 2005. REUTERS/Chen Yawei (CHINA) – RTR1NOLT
Qian Hongyan makes her way home in Luliang county, southwestern China’s Yunnan province, January 3, 2006. Qian, who lost her legs during a car accident in 2000, had been walking using her hands with the help of a basketball. She first received artificial limbs in 2005 at the China Rehabilitation Centre and has gradually been fitted with bigger limbs due to her body growth, according to the China Rehabilitation Centre. Picture taken January 3, 2006. CHINA OUT REUTERS/China Daily (CHINA) – RTR1NON3
Qian Hongyan, 11, walks in a hotel in Beijing, March 20, 2007. Qian, who lost her legs during a car accident in 2000, had been walking using her hands with the help of a basketball. She first received artificial limbs in 2005 at the China Rehabilitation Centre and has gradually been fitted with bigger limbs due to her body growth, according to the China Rehabilitation Centre. REUTERS/Jason Lee (CHINA) – RTR1NONB
Qian Hongyan, 18, tests out her new prosthesis at China Rehabilitation Centre in Beijing, September 5, 2013. Qian, who has been moving by using a basketball after she lost her legs in a car accident at age four, got her new free prosthesis fitted for her adult body. She first received artificial limbs in 2005 and later joined a swimming club for the handicapped and became an athlete. REUTERS/Jason Lee (CHINA – Tags: SOCIETY HEALTH) – RTX1382K
Qian Hongyan, 11, talks to a doctor at the China Rehabilitation Center in Beijing March 20, 2007. Qian, who lost her legs during a car accident in 2000, had been walking using her hands with the help of a basketball. She first received artificial limbs in 2005 at the China Rehabilitation Centre and has gradually been fitted with bigger limbs due to her body growth, according to the China Rehabilitation Centre. REUTERS/Jason Lee (CHINA) – RTR1NONH
Doctor Cao Xuejun uses his mobile phone to take a photo of 18-year-old Qian Hongyan after she got her new prosthesis at China Rehabilitation Centre in Beijing, September 5, 2013. Qian, who has been moving by using a basketball after she lost her legs in a car accident at age four, got her new free prosthesis fitted for her adult body. She first received artificial limbs in 2005 and later joined a swimming club for the handicapped and became an athlete. REUTERS/Jason Lee (CHINA – Tags: SOCIETY HEALTH) – RTX1382Q
Qian Hongyan, 18, smiles as she waits for her new prosthesis at China Rehabilitation Centre in Beijing, September 5, 2013. Qian, who has been moving by using a basketball after she lost her legs in a car accident at age four, got her new free prosthesis fitted for her adult body. She first received artificial limbs in 2005 and later joined a swimming club for the handicapped and became an athlete. REUTERS/Jason Lee (CHINA – Tags: SOCIETY HEALTH) – RTX1382S
hundiig urgultund hicheelluuleh heregtei hoolltoi bolog zailuul
bi nugel hiij busdiig doromjilsoir baigaad hoid nasandaa uilee edleh l bh daa.
Huuhdiig ingej zovooh gj .tergentser avaad ogchj boldoggui l ym bhda
гар дээрээ явсаар байгаад цээжний булчин бол үнэхээр хөгжсөн байна шүү ирээдүйд нь аз жаргал хүсъе
hitadiin bugluu tosgonii ohin gehed huurhun ohin bnooo
Эвий эвий. Хятадын эдийн засгийн хөгжил гээд энээ тэрээ хуцаад байгаа болохоос хэдэн зуун сая хүн ажиллах хүч болж өдрийн 15 юаний орлоготойгоор голоо зогоож амьдарч байна шүү дээ.
Uruvdmuur yuma. Yasan huurhun ineemsegledeg ohin be.